Welcome from the Chief of Police

Greetings and Welcome to Sedgwick, Kansas!

I am Chief Nygaard, and on behalf of the Sedgwick Police Department, it's my honor to extend a heartfelt welcome to our charming town.

Nestled in the heart of Kansas, Sedgwick is more than just a place on the map – it's a close-knit community where neighbors become friends and strangers become family. As the Chief of Police, I am proud to lead a team that is not only committed to upholding the law but also dedicated to building strong relationships within our community.

Here in Sedgwick, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our police department is not just here to enforce the rules; we are here to work hand in hand with each and every one of you to create a safe, secure, and thriving environment for all. Whether you've lived here for generations or are new to our town, your presence enriches the tapestry of our community.

We encourage you to get involved, whether it's through attending town meetings, participating in local events, or simply taking the time to greet your neighbors. Together, we can ensure that Sedgwick remains a place where safety, trust, and unity prevail.

As your Chief of Police, I want you to know that my door is always open. Your concerns, ideas, and feedback are invaluable to us as we strive to provide the best possible service. If you ever have any questions, need assistance, or just want to have a conversation, don't hesitate to reach out.

Once again, welcome to Sedgwick, where our shared journey begins. Let's work together to make our town an even better place to live, work, and call home.

Stay safe and connected,

Chief Nygaard, Sedgwick Police Department