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Our library is named after our longest-running librarian, Lillian Tear, who retired from the library in 1965 at the age of 90. When Lillian Tear was librarian, she claimed to have read each book before allowing it to be distributed to patrons to be sure that it was appropriate for the public consumption. She used to tell people that the books she didn’t find to be suitable for public circulation she would bury in her backyard! Lillian Tear was a dedicated and unique lady who was a treasure to have served our community.

The mission of the public library is to provide free and open access to a broad range of materials and services to people of all ages and backgrounds. Our library serves the community of Sedgwick and the surrounding area. Library cards are free! You do not need to be a Sedgwick resident to use the services or materials that our library has to offer! Here at Lillian Tear Library we offer a variety of materials for you to borrow including books, audio books on CD, and DVD/Blu-Ray. We have public access computers, the ability to borrow materials from other Kansas libraries through the Inter Library Loan program, we issue Kansas State Library cards for audio book access, children’s programs, and more! These services are all free to use! We do charge a small fee for prints/copies. We love serving our community! We hope that you will stop by and visit our library soon!

511 N. Commercial
Sedgwick, KS 67135

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37.9166627, -97.4248314